Sushi Go Party

Pass sushi around a bigger table and take the best dishes. Save room for dessert!

Keiran Suchak


February 28, 2024

Theming: What’s the point?

  • In Sushi Go Party, we are dining at a sushi restaurant, eating a three course meal.
  • For each course, we will be collecting pieces of sushi on our plates as their travel around on the conveyor belt, and gaining points for the sushi combinations that we accumulate.

Setting up: How to get started?

  1. Place game board.
  2. Initial choices:
    1. Choose player pieces.
    2. Choose menu; place menu tiles on board.
  3. Collect cards pertaining to the chosen menu:
    1. Shuffle desert cards and place them to the side (face-down).
    2. Shuffler all other menu cards and place them to the side (face-down).
  4. Play 3 rounds. For each round, deal out the cards according to the tables below:
  • Desserts to add to deck each round:
2-5 Players 6-8 Players
Round 1 5 7
Round 2 3 5
Round 3 2 3
  • Cards to deal to players:
Players Cards
2-3 10
4-5 9
6-7 8
8 7

Rounds and Turns

  • A turn:
    • This consists of players placing one card from their hand in front of them face-down.
    • All players place these cards simultaneously.
    • When all players have placed their cards, all players simultaneously reveal their card and add it to their collection.
      • Group cards of the same colour/type together.
    • After each turn, players pass their hand to the player to their left.
  • A round:
    • This consists of players playing cards in front of them until their hands are empty.
    • After each round:
      • Players score their collections (according to the process below;
      • All cards are collected (except the played desserts);
      • Extra desserts are added to the deck;
      • The deck is shuffled;
      • Cards are dealt for the next round.
  • A game consists of 3 rounds.


  • Scoring takes place at the end of each round.
  • When scoring each round, exclude dessert cards and set them aside - these will be scored after all rounds have been completed.
  • Add up the scores from the round based on the rules on the menu tiles.
  • Players move their pieces around the scoring track accordingly.
  • After scoring the third round, score the dessert cards.
  • The person with the most points wins.
  • If scores are tied, the player with the most dessert cards wins.