Current Role

2024 - Present: Research Fellow in Mobility Data Science

School of Geography, University of Leeds

Projects: AMR-Hub

  • Undertaking analyses of large-scale mobility and trajectory data.
  • Developing exploratory and predictive models of mobility behaviour.
  • Producing data visualisations.
  • Developing and maintaining collaborations within and beyond the research group.

Previous Experience

2023: Research Fellow in Simulating Urban Systems

School of Geography, University of Leeds

Projects: DUST

  • Disseminating cutting-edge research on the development of method for the real-time simulation of urban systems.
  • Developing a series of unit tests to verify reliable behaviour of agent-based models and data assimilation methods.

2022 - 2023: Principal Investigator

Sustrans / Alan Turing Institute

Data Study Group Project: Towards Equitable Walking and Cycling Infrastructure for All

  • Working with challenge owners to formulate academic questions based on industrial challenges.
  • Scoping challenge feasibility, assessing ethical implications and project sensitivity.
  • Overseeing challenge progress, offering guidance and ensuring scientific integrity.
  • Monitoring and finalising the production of reports for publication.

2021 - 2023: Research Fellow in Transport-Health Interactions

Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds

Projects: KARMA, TRACK

  • Developing agent-based models of commuter behaviour and mode shift.
  • Developing a framework for interfacing between different modelling paradigms, focussing on data flows between spatial micro-simulation models, agent-based models and system dynamics models.
  • Developing Python data pipelines for the processing of spatial data.
  • Reviewing literature on the integration of agent-based and system dynamics modelling approaches.
  • Disseminating research group work at workshops.

2020: Data Science Fellow

Buckinghamshire County Council / Connected Places Catapult

Fellowship Project: Mapping and Modelling Social Isolation

  • Developing a method for modelling all-age social isolation across Buckinghamshire using Geographically Weighted Regression.
  • Critically appraising the existing research from both academia and government.
  • Identifying the required internal and external datasets.
  • Developing dashboards to communicate findings with non-technical stakeholders and colleagues using the Dash framework in Python.
  • Managing stakeholder relationships and running stakeholder engagement events in conjunction with the Connected Places Catapult.

2017 - 2022: CDT Data Analytics and Society

Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, University of Leeds

  • PhD Project: Developing Methods for Real-time Pedestrian Simulation
  • MSc Project: Implementing the Ensemble Kalman Filter with an Agent-Based Model
  • Internship project: Footfall at Kirkgate Market with Leeds City Council

2016 - 2017: Software Developer / Analyst

Ampere Analysis

  • Creating mechanisms to obtain and manage large and complex media-sector datasets using Python.
  • Developing innovative solutions to help visualise and solve live business challenges relating to content sales and acquisition, competitive analysis and business planning.
  • Supporting the wider team’s bespoke consulting work for high-profile film, TV and technology firms.

2015 - 2016: MSc Mathematics

School of Mathematics, University of Leeds

  • MSc Project: Dynamics on Networks

2015: Aviation Observations Placement Student

Met Office

  • Working alongside observation scientists to answer some of the currently open questions regarding data quality from commercial aircraft.
  • Analysing large multivariate datasets using R.

2013 - 2014: MSc Aerospace Dynamics

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Cranfield University

  • MSc Project: Turbulent to Laminar Relaminarisation

2010 - 2013: BSc Physics

Department of Physics, Imperial College London

  • BSc Project: Membrane Stresses in the Earth