Hideous Abominations

Construct your own monstrosities out of hundreds of body parts!

Keiran Suchak


May 30, 2024


Setting up

  1. Place the Grand Prizes face up between all players.
  2. Place the Score cards deck next to the Grand Prizes, leaving a space below to place them as awards. Set aside the tie-breaker prizes.
  3. Shuffle the Body Part deck and place the top 3 Body Part cards in the middle between players - this is the Buffet. Place the remaining Body Part deck next to the Buffet.
  4. Provide each player with a Torso card (all Torsos are functionally the same).
  5. Deal 3 Body Part cards to each player.
  6. Place the Bolt tokens within reach of players.


Players take turns. Each turn, players take the following actions:

  1. Roll the die:
    1. Draw: Draw 2 tiles and place them in your hand from either the Buffet piles or from the top of the deck.
    2. Dig: Pick up one of the piles from the Buffet, dig through it and select any 2 tiles. Return the pile in any order. If a pile only contains 1 tile, draw your second tile blind from the Body Parts deck.
    3. Award: Draw a card from the Score cards deck, placing it face-up with the other Awards and Grand Prizes. Draw (as above).
    4. Steal: Take one body part from another player’s abomination, add it to your hand and give that player 2 Bolt tokens.
    5. Go Mad: Choose any of the options above.
  2. Play a tile on any abomination: When playing a tile, all Loose Ends must match up. You
  3. Discard down to 3 cards in hand: cards are discarded face-up onto any of the 3 piles in the Buffet.

Special notes:

  • On the first turn, players draw instead of rolling.
  • If any of the Buffet piles are empty, draw a card from the Body Parts pile to replenish it.
  • You cannot steal any of the following:
    1. Torso tiles,
    2. Tiles with Bolt tokens on them,
    3. Your own tiles.
  • If you roll Steal but there are tiles available to steal then re-roll.

The game ends when either:

  1. There are more Awards displayed than the number of players AND any player completes any abomination by closing off all of its loose ends, or
  2. A player is unable to draw a card because the deck is empty.


  • Consistency:


  • Grand Prizes: Score cards for “Completed Abomination”, “Most Colors” and “Fewest Tiles”.
  • Buffet: Selection of Body Part cards in the middle of the table.
  • Stealing:
  • Bolting:
  • Loose End: Any side of a tile where the artwork meets the edge.